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Geno Smith Anticipating 'Great Things' Out Of Seahawks Offense Under New OC Ryan Grubb

Geno Smith and the Seahawks offense are learning a new offense this offseason, and Seattle’s quarterback likes what he’s seeing so far.


Heading into his 12th season in the NFL, Geno Smith is learning a new offense, the result of the Seahawks making a coaching change this offseason.

The scheme will be different, and terminology will change, but for the two-time Pro Bowl quarterback, diving into a new offense isn't all that daunting of a challenge. Because of the path Smith's career has taken, from his early days as a starter with the Jets to backup jobs with the Giants, Chargers and Seahawks, he has been through more than enough coaching changes and offensive coordinator changes to know what needs to be done this offseason.

"Just more learning, a little bit more studying," Smith said Wednesday after a session of organized team activities. "Obviously a new system, a new coordinator, new everything. We're changing the guard here. So for me I'm studying and getting with the guys. A lot of extra meetings with the receivers, running backs, O-line, talking through some things, making sure that we're prepared when we get out here for practice. So far it's been good.

As for how his career experiences will help him with that adjustment, Smith noted that, by year 12, he has at least dabbled in just about every offensive scheme and learned enough different types of offensive verbiage that this transition, while requiring extra work, won't be overly difficult.

"I would say it's a lot easier," Smith said. "When I first got into the league all the words, they meant nothing to me. Now, 12 years, a lot of these plays I've run before. A lot of ways we execute I've been around; it's just different language. So it's a matter of just learning the terminology and then obviously being able to recite it back to the guys in the huddle and go out there and make the plays. It's a lot easier for me now that I've been in the league a little bit. It's still a matter of studying, and I really take that serious."

And though the Seahawks are still working through installation of their offense and defense, Smith is liking what he has seen so far from new offensive coordinator Ryan Grubb's offense, a version of which he watched the University of Washington run these past two seasons as 2024 first-round pick Michael Penix Jr. put up huge numbers while leading the Huskies to 25-3 record, including a 14-1 season that ended with a National Championship game loss last season.

"Very impressed, man," Smith said of Grubb's offense. "Obviously from the stuff he's done in college he has a great track record. And then just being a part of the system, being able to learn from him, the type of guy that he is, type of man that he is, type of coach that he is. I think there is going to be great things coming for us. Coach Grubb is doing a great job being demanding, making sure guys are studying and on point and knowing their assignments, but also giving guys some grace. It is a new system, new offense, and guys are going to mess some things up. That's not necessarily a terrible thing. We can gain from that. So Grubb is doing a great job. It's our job to make the plays come alive and make it all look good."

Smith and the rest of the offense are still learning the intricacies of Grubb's scheme, but early on, Smith likes what he's seeing because, "I feel like I'm a drop-back passer and I feel like this is a drop-back offense, an offense that's going to spread the ball around, trust the quarterbacks to make the right decisions. That's pre- and post-snap. I think that's something that I'm really good at. Just want to make sure I'm doing the right things when it comes to that."

On the flip side of that, Seattle's new head coach, Mike Macdonald, is also impressed with how his quarterback looks thus far in a new offense. In his earliest days on the job, Macdonald was asked on multiple occasions about, be it in press conferences or radio or TV interviews, and while he said good things, he also didn't have a lot of first-hand experience to go off of. Sure he respected Smith from afar, but until offseason workouts began in April, Macdonald had only limited interactions with Smith. But now that he has been around the veteran quarterback for several weeks, both in meetings and on-field work, Macdonald has gotten a better feel for Smith, and he likes what he's seeing, while also believing, much like Smith, that there's room for growth even in Year 12.

"Highly competitive," Macdonald said. "I love how Geno works. We are pushing him to take the next step as a football player and as a leader, and he's answering the call. I'm really excited about Geno up to this point. I have such a respect for how hard this man works at his craft."

The Seahawks kicked off the third phase of offseason workouts with a practice on the first day of OTAs on Monday, May 20, 2024 at the Virginia Mason Athletic Center.

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