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What The Cowboys Said Following Their Week 3 Loss Against The Seahawks

Postgame quotes from the Cowboys following the team's 24-13 loss against the Seahawks in Seattle.


(Was the problem for your team today the problems on offense…) "Obviously we did not play well on offense. I thought we were able to run the ball well throughout the game. We did not throw the ball as efficiently as we needed to. We were not able to make enough big plays in the passing game throughout the game. We did not do a good enough job of staying ahead of the chains, controlling the line of scrimmage in the passing game like we would have wanted to. We did a better job of rallying at the end but certainly not good enough. The turnovers hurt us, the early interception and when we were giving ourselves a chance to win at the end of the ball game, the fumble and then the late one (turnover). We have to do a better job with the football. Overall, pass efficiency and explosiveness was not there."

(Going back to last year there seems to not be enough plays and yards from the passing game…) "That's it, we have to do a better job in the passing game. It starts upfront obviously with our ability to protect and give ourselves opportunities. You also have to make great decisions, throws and catches. We have not done a good enough job of that. We are doing everything we can to look at ourselves and how we can execute better."

(What did your team do well today…) "We were very efficient in the run game. I thought we were physical in the run game. We ran the ball very well throughout. We had lots of different kinds runs that were effective for us. Often times what happens is that when you have that quarterback's read game in, when their gearing up for the quarterback run, you get a better opportunity to hand it to your runners. That was the case sometimes today in the ball game. That wasn't the issue, it was being efficient throughout the game throwing the football and being explosive throwing the football."

(Should Elliott have been more conscious when he went out of bounds and the penalty took away the touchdown…) "We do have to look at it but obviously you want to have a good feel relative to that boundary line. Zeke is a very instinctive player. He has got a great feel for playing this game. I think he just lost track as that play unfolded. That would have been a big play for us obviously."

(What did you tell Randy (Gregory) after his penalty resulted in a Seattle field goal instead of a Hail Mary…) "You have to keep you poise regardless of what anybody did to you, said to you. You cannot respond like that. Typically what the officials see is the second thing and obviously that drew the flag. That was a poor play for us prior to the half."

(How do you feel your defense did today…) "They (Seattle) were very persistent in running the football. They were going to run the ball, run the ball. For the most part I felt it was like a yard per attempt. We hung in there pretty well in our run defense. That was their plan coming in, they were going to make sure they gave 32 (Chris Carson) a lot of carries. That took some pressure off their offensive line, that would also alleviate some of the pass protection. We had a couple of situations in the passing game where we gave up big plays. We have to do a better job of executing. We have done a good job the first couple of weeks of preventing those kinds of plays. Those were the plays they made in the passing game and they were going to run the football. It was a bad combination for us. They maintained possession of the ball and they cashed in on a couple of those opportunities in the passing game."


(On the 24-17 loss to the Seattle Seahawks) "They're outstandingly coached and they just kept us, from the get-go, off-balance. Obviously, we'd like to do a lot of things differently and better than we did, but this was a very important game for them and they showed it. We just never could get our rhythm offensively. When we had to respond and got behind, we obviously couldn't do it. That's disappointing. Everybody back there in that (locker) room thought we could come up with Seattle rebounding, coming in here at home, and we thought we could beat them. We didn't."

(On the limitations on offense) "Well, I don't. I don't see anybody in that room that will accept that we can't do better offensively no matter what the conditions are – on the road or otherwise. It's pretty obvious that all day long, we were disjointed and just couldn't make it happen. I thought that we came back out in the second half with a really significant drive that really put us in more of a desperate situation."

(On if Seattle took away Dak Prescott from running the football or if it was play calling) "I really don't stand here questioning our play call. We tried everything that I thought our preparation was about. We got to try some of all of it and just weren't able to execute. We had some untimely turnovers, but that's the way that game goes. We knew, coming up here to Seattle with their situation, that it was going to be a dogfight. I just had hoped maybe we could get in there and make some plays when they were stacking it up for Zeke (Ezekiel Elliott) and we weren't able to."

(On the Seahawks offensive line) "I think they blocked us up better than I thought they could. Defensively, they started off protected, but make no mistake about it, the quarterback can get the ball out. He's as good as you face on getting that ball out and buying some time. Defensively, I thought we had some good times in the game that we were playing well against his talent but he was able to finally execute. It looked like blown coverages on both the touchdown as well as the big play. I'll call it that until we look at it, but I think we certainly blew some coverages. We were doing a good job up until the first touchdown and the play that led to the touchdown."


(On the offensive inefficiencies) "Yeah, I mean, we just weren't able to get that part of our game going, as you said. A couple of things were the reason. I've got to be more accurate. I've got to be more consistent at making throws. We've got to get open. You can go all the way across the board. We've just got to do better as a whole as an offense, but it starts with me."

(On if the passing struggles are frustrating) "Yeah it's frustrating, but that's what we've got to go back and spend these next couple of days figuring out or trying to hone in on exactly what's the problem or what it is and get better at it."

(On pinpointing what's wrong with the offense) "That's kind of what it is. We've got to find exactly our go-to in the passing game – and not necessarily am I speaking on a player, I'm just speaking on our go-to concepts or go-to beaters or whatever it may be that we didn't get to. We always know that's in our back pocket (to) get us some yards (or) when we're backed up in the chains, get us back on pace. That's things that we've got to find out."

(On staying confident) "I have a lot of confidence. I don't think that's ever been a problem. I stay confident by believing in myself, believing in the players in the locker room. They believe in me, we believe in each other, we've got a tight team and it's important that we have this team for these moments and these games right now."


(On if he knew his foot was out of bounds during one of his receptions…) "No, I had no idea. That's on me. I've got to have better awareness of the sideline. That's it."

(On if during his fumble he might have been trying to do too much…) "People can say whatever, but at the end of the day, but you know, when you've got that ball in your hand, that's the team in your hand. Me being a leader on the team, I've got to do a better job of taking care of the ball. I mean, that cost us the game."

(On if Seattle did anything to take away the running game…) "We didn't really run much zone-read today. I just think for the most part the D-end took me on his own read—I mean, stayed in the zone after the handoff.

(On if he's frustrated…) "I'm very frustrated. Definitely my individual performance. As a leader on this team I've got to be better in those clutch moments, and that's that."


(On the outcome…) "This is the ultimate team sport. Everybody got their share of what happened today. I do, everybody do. We're not going to blame it on one person. It's the whole offense. That's what we did today. It was us. We were the ones on the field. We're the ones who have got to make it happen. It had nothing to do with the coaches. We put ourselves in bad situations, so that's what happened."


(On game planning for Earl Thomas) "I mean, you have to game plan a lot. That's a guy (who is) very range-y. He can be anywhere on the field. He can start somewhere and then end up on the other side of the field, so everyone knows his playmaking ability. As far as game planning, I felt like we had some good things in but that happened."

(On if the offensive struggles were frustrating) "Oh, it was very frustrating. Just when things (are) not going right – it's kind of tough, especially the second week. Two out of three weeks, we weren't able to get things going. It's frustrating. The main thing for me, I've just got to keep telling myself (to) control what I can. Try to win on every route and I feel like I did that today."


(On if he felt added confidence coming into this game due to his familiarity with Seattle…) "Added confidence? No. It doesn't matter where you've been, who you know. You've got to go out there and take full advantage of your opportunities. It's taking your preparation into the game and executing."

(On why Seattle's offensive line was effective against the Dallas front line…) "They played better, so hats off to them. They played a hell of a game, and they won."


(On how he would describe the stadium atmosphere in Seattle…) "Am I supposed to be honest? It was my first time playing here, and it was amazing."

(On if that had an effect on the outcome…) "When the game starts, it's about who makes plays, and they made more plays than us. That's what matters."

Game action photos from the Seahawks' Week 3 game against the Dallas Cowboys. The Seahawks won 24-13 at CenturyLink Field.
