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Updates On Jamal Adams, Chris Carson & Other Seahawks Injured In Sunday's Win Over Dallas

Seahawks coach Pete Carroll provided updates on several injured players during his Monday appearance on 710 ESPN Seattle. 


For the second straight week, the excitement of a Seahawks victory was tempered somewhat by injuries to some key players, but unlike the previous week when two defensive starters were lost for the season, the Seahawks appear to have avoided serious injuries in their Week 3 win over the Dallas Cowboys.  

During his weekly appearance on 710 ESPN Seattle, Seahawks coach Pete Carroll gave a rundown of his teams' injury situation, and while it seems likely that some of that players injured Sunday could miss some time, it sounds like everyone avoided serious injury, unlike last week when linebacker Bruce Irvin and safety Marquise Blair were both lost for the year with ACL injuries.

Carroll said, "The MRI season happened last night, and for the most part everybody had the minor of the injury," adding that almost all the injuries were of the first-degree, or less severe, variety.

Here's the rundown of what Carroll said about the injuries:

G Damien Lewis (ankle): "He sprained his ankle—normal sprain, not a high-ankle sprain. He was pretty sore after the game. He has a chance to play. We'll just see how he responds to it. For an offensive lineman, he has a better chance than maybe a skill guy would with this injury. It wasn't real serious, but we'll have to wait and see. By the way, I thought Jordan Simmons did a really good job coming and playing for him. He did a nice job for us."

S Jamal Adams (groin): "It was really bothering him after the game. He was really bummed out because he wants to play so badly, you can imagine how important it is to him. But he too had a first-degree strain, so we'll see how that goes and we'll just have to go day-by-day with that."

RB Chris Carson (knee): "Likewise he has a first-degree strain, and we'll just have to see how that goes. I keep saying the same thing, but with a running back that's a little bit more of an issue than a big guy."

Carroll didn't hide the fact that he was unhappy with how Carson got hurt, with Cowboys defensive tackle Trysten Hill hanging onto Carson leg and intentionally twisting him around well after Carson was down.

"I was really pissed about that one," Carroll said. "I don't know what's going to happen with that, but I was pissed, because that guy hurt him, unfortunately."  

LB Jordyn Brooks (knee): "He has a first-degree strain. We've got to see what happens with him as he goes through it. It just depends on how he responds. It's a little bit harder with the linebackers and running backs and stuff like that with a knee, but we'll see."

Carroll also gave updates on two players who were inactive Sunday due to injuries, safety Lano Hill, who had a back injury pop up overnight Saturday, and cornerback Quinton Dunbar, who has a knee injury.

"There's a chance on both of them (playing this week), particularly for Lano," Carroll said. "He had something he woke up with. We checked him out, X-rayed him and all that stuff, everything turned out negative, but he was real uncomfortable. Remember, he had the real serious hip injury (last year), and it was in the same area, so he was concerned maybe it might be something related to that, which we don't think it was at all. He has a chance to come back, we'll see how it goes. Quinton, we're working on his knee, we've got to make sure he bounces back. We'll see how he does. We thought he would make it through the week, and it just didn't improve. He had some treatment and some stuff done that gives him a chance. We'll have to wait and see though."

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