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What The Seahawks Said Following Their Second Preseason Game Against The Chargers

Postgame quotes from the Seahawks following their second preseason game in Los Angeles.


(Opening ...) "First off, we'd really like to win these games because it's more fun. Unfortunately, we didn't position ourselves to get that done today. The lessons are so obvious. We got down to the red zone, we take a couple field goals. We're right down the field and we get the ball up inside the one, which is a horrible thing to do, and they ran it up on the 20. It couldn't be worse. The opportunities to score were just totally there. I loved the way we moved the ball with the first group in the first half. They were confident, playing fast and doing things we wanted them to do. Guys were catching the ball and making plays. I thought some guys really jumped off the film. [WR Jaron] Brown had a couple nice plays. [WR] David Moore had a couple beautiful plays. [RB] Chris [Carson] ran the ball really well, but it gets crowded because he was getting the ball up inside the one. Guys up front did a nice job so there's a lot of good things, but when we don't knock the ball in, it's hard. These guys happened to be, a year ago, the best red zone defense in the NFL and you can see why. They're hard. They do a nice job down there. They kept us out, just like they were hoping to. I thought there was a lot of good stuff. I thought [Chargers QB] Philip Rivers looked great against us in the first drive, and then we slowed it down a little bit. Then they took him out. I wish we could've kept playing against him. He's such an extraordinary player. It would have been good for us to work against him. Nothing against anyone, we just have that much regard for Philip. We got out of here healthy. Only [G/T] D.J. Fluker dislocated a finger. We're very fortunate that is all we have to take home, and that's it at this point. We got back to work and we've got to keep learning the lessons that we've got to cash in. Both games have been similar where we get the ball down there and we needed those touchdowns, and we need to get better there."

(On D.J. Fluker's injury ...) "I don't know that. I don't think so. He's an offensive lineman. I think he can handle that. He says he's fine."

(On Rasheem Green's productivity ...) "Those are numbers, man. Three-and-a-half sacks in two games jumps off the stat sheet for you. He looks really aggressive and very skilled in his pass rush, again. He was technical. He was really great with his hands and got them free. That's a real positive. It's hard to do that anytime for anybody. Fired up to see that and see him produce like that."

(On G/T Germain Ifedi ...) "I've got to look at film. I don't have anything. I know we got bull-rushed one time. I think that was [Chargers DE] Melvin [Ingram III]. That one wasn't a good one. All in all, the rush was pretty composed and moved when you needed it to and took advantage of the rush when we had some penetration. That's the same both weeks. Looks very similar. That's a good statement for us. I really think we're much more solid than we've been early in the last couple years. Feeling the continuity and you can see it's working nice. Good signs right now."

(On taking more shots downfield ...) "We always try to be explosive, so I don't [think] that changes it. The shots come more at rhythm. Sometimes he [Ifedi] has to move to find his spacing and all that. The execution and ability to move the football has been consistent for those guys and that's a positive sign for us."

(On how to get Brandon Marshall going ...) "I'm not worried about that one bit. What's it going to take? We've just got to leave him out there and throw it to him. He's fine. We're not trying to over-do it right now. We're just trying to get him back to full speed, feeling comfortable about his play time and all that. He has looked very good, particularly in the last week-and-a-half or so. He's come [in] and we're able to lean on him. Next week, I think he'll be able to be full go and everything, full reps and all that kind of stuff, which just helps. We're working with him a lot and he has a chance to be a factor."

(On the nature of David Moore's catches ...) "Same as last week. He did again. I think it's an extraordinarily positive sign for his ability to make things happen. To elevate like that — Russ is really good at putting the ball on guys. He's always wanted to throw the ball to guys that will go get it. He is not hesitant to do that and David is giving him all the reason. Dave's stronger than you think — he's 6'2", 216, 218 pounds or something like that — thicker and more explosive. He maybe doesn't look like that, but he sure shows it. Right now, it's a great sign. We paid him enough to get him out there and felt really good about the things he did."

(On the punt return ...) "I don't know. We just got spread out. I don't know. Obviously, that was just a back-breaking play. Obviously, that's the difference in the ball game."

(On QB Alex McGough ...) "I thought that was beautiful. It was a difficult time. We needed it. We needed to take some shots, we needed to be aggressive and it seems like he hit everything. It's a great sign for him. I really like that he was under pressure in that time and he had to feel that and express his ability, and he did. Very positive. Couple great throws up the side. Malik (Turner) made a great catch. The two-point play was a beautifully — executed goal line play, too."

(On the punters ...) "They're both kicking it really well. They're both hitting it. Their numbers are up there. We have to get all the numbers on it, but hang time [and] distances were good. It seemed like there was a real bomb that Michael [Dickson] hit, and the other one that went dead on the sidelines like a perfect punt time-wise, position-wise and the whole thing. He hit one last week like that as well. He's doing a good job. Jon [Ryan] is kicking the ball well. Keep on going."

(On the defense ...) "My impression was [Chargers QB] Philip [Rivers] had us a couple of times. We didn't do much to disguise it. We were playing pretty straight. He knew what he was going against. He did a great job. He plays against our defense every day. We made it a little too easy for him. He really picked us apart with a couple things he did and then we said, 'Okay, Philip is for real, we're in trouble.' Also, we moved around and disguised some things and slowed it down. I think the first drive was great for them. I think we got out executed there and then we came right back and slowed it down."

(On Maurice Alexander and Dontae Johnson ...) "Just the fact that they're out there. It's great that they played some. I think they both felt pretty good about it. They didn't feel challenged by too many plays. We made it through the first game. Those guys are ready to play a lot of football for us. I'm hoping they'll come out of the game feeling good enough to get all of the work this week that will allow them to continue to compete. There are shaping up some great battles. Guys are doing well and holding their own. It's going to be fun to see how this comes out in the next two weeks."


(On how the offense did and the movement of the ball ...) "I think we moved the ball really well from the get go. First play we had a great play. [WR] Jaron [Brown] had a great game he looked really good. [RB] Chris Carson ran the ball pretty well. Third play of the game, we scored. After that we got the penalty and we can't have that. In the red zone in particular we have to stay on schedule. That's the lesson of the night. The great thing was that the score should have really been 21-7. We had three touchdown opportunities and that's what we look forward to. We got to the truth with what we did and how we can get better. I think the tempo of our game was really good. I think late in the second quarter we were backed up a little bit. We were fighting down-and-distance, but other than that it was exciting to see how we finished the game and how guys stepped up. [QB] Alex [McGough] threw his first touchdown pass. I know what that is like. To see us make some plays at the end and to know we didn't give up, which is the best part."

(On what it is going to take to get the ball in Brandon Marshall's hands ...) "Well the first game, he didn't play much. It is still early. I think he looked really good today. He did get a pass interference on the go ball, but he keeps showing up. He could have had an opportunity on one of the scrambles. He doesn't look 34. He plays really good and is making plays at practice. It's early and game situations might not work how we anticipated but it's preseason and it's still early. "

(On the Mentality of the Offense ...) "I really like what we are doing. I think [Offensive Line] Coach Mike Solari is doing a great job with the offensive line. I think [Quarterbacks] Coach [Dave] Canales and I are dialing up on the plays. You saw how fast we were moving up the ball up and down the field. You talk about one play here and one play there the score would have been 21-7 against a really good football team. That is what we look forward to, our energy at practice, our tempo at practice and how much we are executing. We have so much depth on the offensive side of the ball in term of receivers, running backs and guys stepping in. I feel confident in who we have."

(On his confidence in David Moore ...) "David Moore was exceptional tonight. The way he went up and got that football in the third-and-long. I tried giving him a chance to make a play and sure enough he did. When you have guys who can make great plays like that, it just fires me up big time. I came back to him in the next play and he made another great play. That is what we look forward to when guys can make great plays and they keep showing up."

(On Chargers DE Melvin Ingram III's pressure on the offense and how he adapted ...) "It's the NFL, you get to play against some great players and Melvin Ingram is one of the best to do it. He is a guy who has hands, great feet, understands the game, great timing and he knows what he is doing. I think we did a pretty good job going against him. He made some plays though, he is going to make plays. When you have guys as great as him they are going to make plays they are going to do their thing. The key is not letting them make too many plays. I think we were able to do that. We will see him further down the road and we know he is going to try and cause havoc."

(On his running back group ...) "I think our running back group has been really solid. I think that is the most exciting thing to see this offseason. To be able to see it translate to the game. To see Chris Carson run the ball as physically as he did. He had a great night and has been rock solid. Rashaad Penny didn't play but to see him transition to the National Football League, he is going to be a great player for us. J.D. [McKissic] is electric. It is an exciting time for us. We don't make to make any conclusions, but we want to stay the course. That is what preseason is for, to see who is right for us. We have a lot of guys and that's what is the toughest. It is exciting to have all these great guys."

(On what he likes about his pass protection and what he needs to get ironed out ...) "I think we just need to stay the course. We faced a pretty good pass rush and they do a pretty good job, but we still moved the ball pretty well. We threw the ball pretty well. We made some plays down the field and attacked them. Like I said, the first three drives we were in the red zone. For whatever reason, we scored a touchdown and got a penalty then fumbled the ball. If we keep doing that, in terms of moving the football and the offensive line does a great job in the pass protection we are going to do great things."


(On how games like today help establish a rapport with Russell Wilson ...) "I think it's important, we are working on our chemistry every day. It takes a lot of practice." 

(On deep passes in games ...) "We had some opportunities last week and we didn't really get a chance to capitalize on them. This game, the calls came pretty early, so we just went out there and made some plays."

(On biggest improvements on offense today ...) "I would say, we still didn't finish some drives, we've got to do a better job of that and personally, I thought we came out pretty good. Some penalties kind of killed us, I'll have to say we've still got some things to do."

(On how much stock he puts on preseason performances ...) "We treat every game like it's the season, we come out here and try to be in midseason form. I had a false start myself, so I can't really talk too much on that. I've got to watch the film but it's definitely important."

(On looking forward to playing more in next preseason game ...) "I want to be out there and stay out there, so hopefully next week I'll get a little more playing time."


(On his play time last two weeks ...) "Just repetition. We practice it every day and the game is where we get to actually perform. I just want to go out there, do what I have been practicing and really take over."

(On the play called for his sack tonight ...) "It was a great call. They didn't see coming and I got my first sack."

(On what he did to get that sack ...) "I lined up like I was in man-to-man, like we always play. I got the opportunity to blitz so I had to make a play."

(On the transition to cornerback ...) "I'm still learning every day. I have people in the room that can help me. I'm still learning and I'm going to leave it at that."

(On what he is learning from the receivers ...) "You have to have confidence out here. Brandon Marshall has a lot of confidence. [Chargers WR] Keenan Allen has a lot of confidence. [Chargers QB] Phillip Rivers has a lot of confidence. It is just learning what you can do best and knowing what you can do best."

(On the difference of playing special teams ...) "I actually played special teams at Oklahoma State. Playing on all of them is a little different, but I love it. I just love playing football."


(On comfort level with depth ...) "I would say my comfort level is pretty high since we do it every day in practice and then we are doing in games just back to back, we are out there having fun."

(On reinforcement ...) "It's not really that different, we practice like we play, so we practice like a game. Just go out during the game and do what we do during practice and just have fun while we do it."

(On getting the ball down the field ...) "There's always an emphasis on getting the ball down the field, that's what we want to do. Then those big plays were a big thing so I don't know what to say about that one."

(On the game plan ...) "That was part of the game plan. Coach said we were going to run the ball and take shots, and that's what we did today. We ran the ball and took shots, and did pretty good on both of those I would say."

(On positive steps taken in the game ...) "I would say positive steps was knowing that we can take shots down the field and that we can run the ball and if we can be consistent on those then the rest will take care of itself. We'll eventually get the ball in, land in the red zone, but today we came up a little short. That's why we've got practice, live to see another day."


(On what he wanted to see from himself today ...) "I just wanted to go out there and play fast, do my job and my assignments and get the feel back of playing the game. That's the idea, for you to go out and do a job, and keep doing our thing next week."

(On if he feels pressure for making up for lost time ...) "I would say missing time had me fall back a little bit. I feel like today was a step in the right direction, just getting back and being healthy out there is exciting."

(On how he saw the team build off last week ...) "I thought we did great, we came off the ball and we were hitting. Our o-line was aggressive, and we were very physical up front and that helped me keep containment. That's something we hope to do better every week."

(On passes going to running backs ...) "Us [running] backs love to get the ball down in space, making people miss and creating plays for the team. Being able to get the ball, even if it's a check down, getting the ball in open space is fun and I'm really happy with that"

(On what he learned from this game ...) "I'll try to be more decisive. Some runs I went in there just using my power to run behind my pads, but I was shuffling my feet a little bit, so I want to be a little more decisive and just hit the hole."
