It's been almost a week since our return from Hong Kong, allotting enough time for the jet leg to fade away. I will admit, it's nice to again be sure of whether it is breakfast or dinner I should be eating, or if I should be sleeping or waking, but I do very much miss the adventure of each day abroad. Luckily, I believe in the notion that we do not remember time, but rather moments in time, shout out to Italian Poet Cesare Pavese on that one, which is why I'd like to share three moments that really capture the essence of our time spent in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong is one of the safest cities in the world. Knowing that Hong Kong is an incredibly populated area, I initially found it difficult to grasp the idea that it is also considered to be one of the safest areas in the world. Wing, our sensational tour guide, joked the lack of crime is in fact due to there being so many people, that no one would be able to do anything without their neighbor seeing. Her theory, although funny, might actually make sense, as it seemed no matter the hour, hoards of people were always around. Wing explained that unless you live on property up near Victoria Peak, chances are you're bunked four people, at least, to a home the size of our 300 square foot hotel room, and therefore, are likely to stay outside of the home for as long as the day will allow.

Lion or dragon? Still up for debate. Outside our hotel, the rest of the Gals and I were treated to a private viewing of the traditional lion dance, mistaken by many of us at the time for a dragon dance, typically performed for the Chinese New Year, among other important events. Wing taught us the significance of the lion, as it is said to bring good luck and good fortune for the new year, and that the dance is heavily influenced by Chinese martial arts. Beyond this spectacular tradition, my personal favorites are eating sweet dumplings and shopping for shoes.

We love to dance. Amazingly so, even among the long hours spent practicing, in the grueling, humid temperatures of Hong Kong, our passion for dance would never take a back seat. As Sea Gals, we are used to the shocking, electric roar of the 12s who will forever be in our hearts, and eardrums frankly, but I must say, the energy of the crowds in Hong Kong were just as shocking. Whether we were strutting the streets in the Chinese New Year Parade, or performing for masses in front of the wishing trees, I'm not sure I've ever felt so much joy dancing in front of such welcoming, engaged viewers. The photographs, hugs, and conversations shared after each performance were absolutely priceless, and for that Hong Kong, we thank you.
Kung Hei Fat Choi!