Owners agreed Tuesday at League meetings in Charlotte, N.C. to expand the NFL's current replay system in an effort to improve officiating.
The exact wording of the changes is listed here, but according to NFL.com the changes essentially allow the League's New York offices to consult with on-field officials to ensure the correct application of playing rules, which includes appropriate assessment of penalty yardage, proper down, and status of the game clock, a practice NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell allowed during the playoffs this past season.
The types of plays that are now reviewable also received a minor change. Penalty enforcement, proper down, spot of a foul and status of the game clock are now reviewable.
Earlier this offseason, NFL owners approved seven rule changes for 2016, including elimination of the chop block, and a day later passed two more, including automatic ejection for players who pick up two unsportsmanlike conduct penalties in the same game.
The Seahawks held the second of nine Organized Team Activities (OTAs) on Tuesday, May 24 at Renton's Virginia Mason Athletic Center.

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