Talking Shop With The League's Jeff Schaffer
We are thrilled to be joined by the incredibly talented Jeff Schaffer, co-creator of 'The League' and a force in the entertainment industry. Schaffer will be part of Saturday's radio broadcast when the Seahawks face the Cowboys on Seattle Sports 710AM and KIRO Newsradio 97.3 FM. Today's show: Jeff Schaffer's roots in Tacoma (02:32), his friendship with John Schneider (05:01), inspiration for The League _(09:53), Marshawn Lynch's appearance on _The League (13:38), John Schneider's skills as an actor (17:30), Seahawks at this time last year (22:01), getting into writing (25:00), Festivus on _Seinfeld _(28:06), Marshawn Lynch's famous scene about Super Bowl XLIX (31:35), Super Bowl XLVIII win (34:54).